
Most defaults should work without changing, however you will likely want to customize settings in the case that you are a developer.

Updating Settings

To change defaults you can either edit the settings.yml file in the installation directory at paks/settings.yml or create a user-specific configuration by doing:

$ paks config init
Created user settings file /home/vanessa/.paks/settings.yml

You can then change a setting, such as the username and email for your gpg key (used to sign the build cache artifacts):

$ paks config set username=dinosaur
Updated username to be dinosaur
$ paks config set
Updated email to be

These user settings will over-ride the default installation ones.

Settings Table

The following variables can be configured in your user settings:

Name Description Default
container_tech The container technology to use (docker or podman) Defaults to docker
username A username to use to sign packages (only required when using build) Defaults to your $USER
email An email to use to sign packages (only required when using build) Defaults to $
trusted_packages_org The trusted packages GitHub organization to install from pakages
trusted_packages_registry The default trusted packages GitHub organization to push to. If no push registries are provided, we fallback to push here.
trusted_pull_registries One or more registries to pull from. []
cache_dir A default cache directory to use - will only be cleaned up for build using --force unset
default_tag The default tag to use to push artifacts. latest
content_type The default content type for the spack package (not recommended to change) application/vnd.spack.package