
Paks can be installed from pypi, or from source. We recommend a container interaction for the quickest way to get up and running via our container bases

Note that spack is required to be on your path. If you use the container, this will already be provided.

$ git clone --depth 1
$ source spack/share/spack/


It’s recommended to interact with paks via one of the container bases mentioned previously. That might look like the following:

$ docker run -it
# which paks
# which spack
# which oras

You’ll notice that the container, along with paks, also provides spack and oras which is used to interact with the GitHub packages registry.


If you want to use Paks locally on your machine or via some custom install, the module is available in pypi as the paks project.

$ pip install paks

This will provide the latest release. If you want a branch or development version, you can install from GitHub, shown next.

Virtual Environment

Here is how to clone the repository and do a local install.

$ git clone
$ cd paks

Create a virtual environment (recommended)

$ python -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate

And then install (this is development mode, remove the -e to not use it)

$ pip install -e .

Installation of paks adds an executable, paks to your path.

$ which paks

Once it’s installed, you should be able to inspect the client!

$ paks --help

You’ll next want to install or build packages, discussed in Getting Started.