Source code for paks.commands.state

__author__ = "Vanessa Sochat, Alec Scott"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021-2022, Vanessa Sochat and Alec Scott"
__license__ = "Apache-2.0"

from paks.utils.names import namer
from .command import Command
import shutil
import tempfile
import os

# Every command must:
# 1. subclass Command
# 2. defined what container techs supported for (class attribute) defaults to all
# 3. define run function with kwargs

[docs]class SaveContainer(Command): supported_for = ["docker", "podman"] pre_message = "Saving container..."
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs): """ Save a temporary container name back to the main container name Available after check - validated self.kwargs """ # Always run this first to make sure container tech is valid self.check(**kwargs) # These are both required for docker/podman container_name = self.kwargs["container_name"] name = self.kwargs["name"] tmp_name = container_name + "-" + namer.generate() # Not required, so we have a default suffix = self.kwargs.get("suffix", "-saved") # Run the command (show in real time) result = self.run_command([, "commit", container_name, tmp_name]) if result: return result # Keep track of where we are to change back to here = os.getcwd() # Create a temporary context tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() dockerfile = os.path.join(tempdir, "Dockerfile") with open(dockerfile, "w") as fd: fd.write("FROM %s\n" % tmp_name) os.chdir(tempdir) result = self.run_command( [, "build", "--squash", "-t", name + suffix, "."], "error" ) if result: return result result = self.run_command([, "rmi", tmp_name]) if result: return result # Remove dangling None images (not recommended lol) os.system( '%s rmi --force $(%s images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc) >/dev/null 2>&1' % (, ) os.chdir(here) shutil.rmtree(tempdir) return self.return_success("Successfully saved container! ⭐️")